Development Guide

Ready to contribute to the project? Here is how to set up a local development environment.

Initial Setup

  1. Fork the cda-tum/mqt-core repository on GitHub (see

  2. Clone your fork locally

    $ git clone
  3. Change into the project directory

    $ cd mqt-core
  4. Create a branch for local development

    $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

    Now you can make your changes locally.

  5. (Optional, highly recommended) Set up a virtual environment

    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate


    If you are using Windows, you can use the following command instead:

    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ venv\Scripts\activate.bat

    Ensure that pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date:

    (venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

    If you plan to work on the Python module, you should also install the build dependencies in the virtual environment:

    pip install 'scikit-build-core[pyproject]' setuptools_scm pybind11
  6. (Optional, highly recommended) Setup nox to conveniently run many development tasks.

    (venv) $ pipx install nox

    If you use macOS, then nox is in brew, use brew install nox.


    If you do not have pipx (pip for applications) installed, you can install it with:

    (venv) $ pip install pipx
    (venv) $ pipx ensurepath

    If you use macOS, then pipx is in brew, use brew install pipx.

  7. (Optional) Install pre-commit to automatically run a set of checks before each commit.

    (venv) $ pipx install pre-commit
    (venv) $ pre-commit install

    If you use macOS, then pre-commit is in brew, use brew install pre-commit.

Working on the core C++ library

Building the project requires a C++ compiler supporting C++17 and CMake with a minimum version of 3.19.

Configure and Build

Our projects use CMake as the main build configuration tool. Building a project using CMake is a two-stage process. First, CMake needs to be configured by calling

$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

This tells CMake to

  • search the current directory . (passed via -S) for a CMakeLists.txt file.

  • process it into a directory build (passed via -B).

  • the flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release tells CMake to configure a Release build (as opposed to, e.g., a Debug build).

After configuring with CMake, the project can be built by calling

$ cmake --build build --config Release

This tries to build the project in the build directory (passed via --build). Some operating systems and development environments explicitly require a configuration to be set, which is why the --config flag is also passed to the build command. The flag --parallel <NUMBER_OF_THREADS> may be added to trigger a parallel build.

Building the project this way generates

  • the main project libraries in the build/src directory

  • some test executables in the build/test directory

Running C++ Tests

We use the GoogleTest framework for unit testing of the C++ library. All tests are contained in the test directory. After building the project (as described above), the C++ unit tests can be conveniently executed by running

$ ctest -C Release --test-dir build

from the main project directory.

C++ Code Formatting and Linting

This project mostly follows the LLVM Coding Standard, which is a set of guidelines for writing C++ code. To ensure the quality of the code and that it conforms to these guidelines, we use

  • clang-tidy – a static analysis tool that checks for common mistakes in C++ code, and

  • clang-format – a tool that automatically formats C++ code according to a given style guide.

Common IDEs like Visual Studio Code or CLion have plugins that can automatically run clang-tidy on the code and automatically format it with clang-format.

  • If you are using Visual Studio Code, you can install the clangd extension.

  • If you are using CLion, you can configure the project to use the .clang-tidy and .clang-format files in the project root directory.

They will automatically execute clang-tidy on your code and highlight any issues. In many cases, they also provide quick-fixes for these issues. Furthermore, they provide a command to automatically format your code according to the given style.


After configuring CMake, you can run clang-tidy on a file by calling


where <FILE> is the file you want to analyze and <PATH_TO_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY> is the path to the include directory of the project.

Working on the Python module

Pybind11 is used for providing bindings of the C++ core library to Python. This allows to keep the performance critical parts of the code in C++ while providing a convenient interface for Python users. All of the bindings code is contained in the src/python directory. The Python package itself lives in the src/mqt/core directory.

Building the Python module

It is usually most efficient to install the build dependencies in your environment once and use the following command that avoids a costly creation of a new virtual environment at every compilation:

(venv) $ pip install 'scikit-build-core[pyproject]' setuptools_scm pybind11
(venv) $ pip install --no-build-isolation -ve ".[dev]"

You may optionally add -Ceditable.rebuild=true to auto-rebuild when the package is imported. Otherwise, you need to re-run the above after editing C++ files.

Running Python Tests

The Python part of the code base is tested by unit tests using the pytest framework. The corresponding test files can be found in the test/python directory. A nox session is provided to conveniently run the Python tests.

(venv) $ nox -s tests

This installs all dependencies for running the tests in an isolated environment, builds the Python package, and then runs the tests.


If you don’t want to use nox, you can also run the tests directly using pytest.

(venv) $ pytest test/python

Python Code Formatting and Linting

The Python code is formatted and linted using a collection of pre-commit hooks. This collection includes:

  • ruff – an extremely fast Python linter and formatter, written in Rust.

  • mypy – a static type checker for Python code

There are two ways of using these hooks:

  • You can install the hooks manually by running

    $ pre-commit install

    in the project root directory. This will install the hooks in the .git/hooks directory of the repository. The hooks will then be executed automatically when committing changes.

  • You can use the nox session lint to run the hooks manually.

    (venv) $ nox -s lint


    If you don’t want to use nox, you can also run the hooks directly using pre-commit.

    (venv) $ pre-commit run --all-files

Working on the Documentation

The documentation is written in MyST (a flavour of Markdown) and built using Sphinx. The documentation source files can be found in the docs/ directory. You can build the documentation using the nox session docs.

(venv) $ nox -s docs


In order to properly build the jupyter notebooks in the documentation, you need to have pandoc installed. See the pandoc documentation for installation instructions.

This will install all dependencies for building the documentation in an isolated environment, build the Python package, and then build the documentation. The session also provides a convenient option to automatically serve the docs on a local web server. Running

(venv) $ nox -s docs -- --serve

will start a local web server on port 8000 and provide a link to open the documentation in your browser.


If you don’t want to use nox, you can also build the documentation directly using sphinx-build.

(venv) $ sphinx-build -b html docs/ docs/_build

The docs can then be found in the docs/_build directory.